We are currently in National Physicians’ Week…at the end of Women’s History Month…and a week removed from the National Residency Match Day. All that attention on physicians and women has me reflecting on what I’ve learned over years of navigating life as a woman physician.
There was so much I didn’t know I didn’t know back when I matched into residency as a fourth year medical student. I wish I could share my current insights with that version of me. Since I don’t have access to the technology to pull that off, I’ll pay it forward by sharing some of them with you.
Please keep in mind a bad example is still an example, so some of these pearls came from experiencing the pain of doing the reverse. Without further ado, here are the main lessons that stick out to me:
Outsource as much as possible as soon as financially possible.
Life is most fulfilling and satisfying when it is lived with intention.
When I do what is right for me, I get what is meant for me.
I am able to achieve my goals by being flexible.
I make life easier for myself when I ask for needed help.
I get to decide when to pursue perfection. It needn’t be the default setting.
My value is obvious to the appropriate people.
I am comfortable investing in myself.
My schedule reflects my priorities.
Know how to distinguish between good sources for practical help and those for wise counsel.
I am able to honor my priorities and respect others’ priorities at the same time.
Find joy in every day.
Invite people into my life who recognize value and quality.
Personally and professionally, I am comfortable being a lot because I feel totally worth it.
These reflections are not meant to be a prescription for how you need to live your life. Hopefully, they do provide food for thought about what may work best for you.
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