Spending the first three decades of my life constantly looking ahead to what will be better in the future diminished my appreciation for the present. Even as a coach, it can be tempting to think only about something better coming. Whether it’s enjoying life more, being more productive at work or being more consistent in making decisions to support well-being, I focus on helping people improve current suboptimal situations.
The events of the past year have reinforced the importance of being really intentional about finding joy in my present. An ironic twist to this increased attention to the present in search of sources of joy has been a greater awareness of how many things in society are kind of terrible. That co-existent negativity simply confirms that bringing focus to goodness and joy is needed.
Paying attention to joy and goodness lays the groundwork necessary when it’s time to motivate to do new things, and it helps increase those positive qualities in the world. Managing my joy requires being honest about what robs it and what returns it. Thus, when I need an infusion or expansion of joy, there are three questions I ask.
Do I need to know all that right now?
People are appalled when I tell them I don’t watch the news. As this is the 21st century, I am active on social media for my work and my friend group includes a bunch of news junkies, I still know what is going on in the world. I simply choose to curate my consumption on my own terms and in my own timing for the sake of maintaining joy in my spirit.
What one thing can I do today that I know will bring me joy?
I have a list of activities I know bring me joy. My schedule always contains at least one of them every day. That way I incorporate intentional joy into my daily life. Especially these days, I find joy is easier to plan than to chase down.
What can I share with someone to bring them a smile or a sense of relief?
I love a meme and a meaningful connection. If it makes me laugh aloud, I will likely share a story or a photo with a friend. If someone needs help or information on an academic or healthcare issue, I’m usually within a few degrees of separation from a good resource. It pleases me to spread joy and to remove obstacles to it.
Being creative in designing my future requires intentional management of what supports and what steals my joy. Hope for a better future is always increased by knowing I can maintain joy in an imperfect present.
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