Check Out My TEDxUMaryland Talk
“Writing Your Own Wellness Story”
One of my favorite parts of my work with Essence of Strength is being able to share what I’ve learned about living well during MY JOURNEY FROM PRACTICING PHYSICIAN TO SELF CARE ADVOCATE AND SATISFACTION SPECIALIST.
Whether speaking to high school students making the transition to college life or established professionals adjusting to their kids leaving for college, I enjoy giving talks and workshops that allow participants to open their minds to the different strategies that support their personal and professional success with satisfaction.
My experience as an obstetrician-gynecologist, personal trainer and certified success coach gives me a unique perspective for helping women in healing professions and other altruistic high achievers learn to develop the practical self care strategies that support lives of being well and doing good.
Contact me to learn if an Essence of Strength workshop or talk may be right for your professional organization, student group or other gathering of healers seeking to be well.
Being Well While Doing Good: Self Care Strategies for the Successful Altruist
Saying Yes With A No: Recognizing the Power of Audacious Self Care
From Surviving to Thriving: How Self Care Supports Satisfaction In Post-training Life
Plan B Basics: Tips for the Type A Who Needs to Ditch Plan A
But That Wasn’t In the Syllabus: Strategies To Maintain Well-Being While Getting Your Degree
Pre-event assessment with event planner
Provision of Content and Workshop Materials
Review of Five Essential Strengths to Simplify Self Care
Post Event Evaluation