Most of my adult life has involved existing with some level of exhaustion.  The problem with this is it set me up to normalize that sensation.  I don’t immediately recognize it as sign of disordered wellness the way one would a rash on the skin.

Thankfully, these days I notice more quickly when I am veering off the wellness track.  The challenge is to determine whether it is just an episode of overtiredness or if I am ignoring the basic self-care habits I have set up for my life.

Lately, I’ve noticed myself slipping into a consistent energy drain mode.  It made me remember that the path of well-being maintenance has no end.  Life is constantly changing so my methods to approach it need periodic modification.

In order to keep up with life’s curves I’ve learned to do a simple self-check when I am feeling out of sorts.
1.  SEE the truth about my current situation. 

Am I just having a crazy, busy week or have I overscheduled myself into a never-ending cycle of giving with no rest or renewal?

Am I just being overly emotional about a particular disagreement or is this conflict representative of a pattern of dysfunction in a relationship?

To quote GI Joe, “Knowing is half the battle.”

2.  SEEK ways to improve my wellness status. 

If I see that adjustments need to be made, I have to figure out how to make that happen.  It may be a long-term plan with various milestones.  It may be an immediate drastic change.

The key is to have the courage to make the decision to change instead of convincing myself I don’t see what I see.

3.  SEIZE my unique life purpose. 

Before I act on any decisions, I determine if it is in line with what I have determined to be my unique life purpose.

This is where I have erred in the past.  I would see that a change needed to be made and I would make one just for the sake of being proactive.

Although I tried to be purposeful, I didn’t have a good sense of what that purpose was.  I was much more vulnerable to doing what other people thought was a good idea for me.

Now I seek out change that is purposeful for me.

4.  Those first three steps are all done in order to SUSTAIN my overall sense of well-being. 

In the past, I have been subject to falling into and out of wellness habits depending on the circumstances.  Now I feel capable of withstanding the changing tides of life with my well-being intact.

What is your process for ensuring you stay well?

If you would like help developing strategies to maintain your own wellness, please click here to request an Essence of Strength sample coaching conversation.