by Jattu Senesie | May 6, 2015 | LIFESTYLE, RELATIONSHIP
Lately, I have been thinking a lot about partnerships. From government to community, business to dating, I have seen a lot of partnerships under strain this year. What these dysfunctional associations underscore is the ability of successful partnerships make life...
by Jattu Senesie | Feb 12, 2015 | RELATIONSHIP, SPIRIT
Despite the fact I am a life coach and many folks associate that with being all touchy-feely, I have a confession. I am not really a huge fan of being all up in my feelings. Allowing one’s self to feel one’s feelings inevitably leads to having to deal with those...
by Jattu Senesie | Oct 9, 2014 | LIFESTYLE, RELATIONSHIP
It might sound counterintuitive but a lot of us fail to take our own lives as personally as we should. What I mean is we spend so much time thinking about others that we skip over ourselves. This is a problem. In order to move toward a consistent state of well-being...
by Jattu Senesie | Sep 10, 2014 | LIFESTYLE, NUTRITION, RELATIONSHIP
September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month so I thought I’d say a little something on behalf of the kids. I’m going to take a break from my typical focus on adults to sound the trumpet for America’s youth. I went to a conference a few years ago which had...
by Jattu Senesie | Aug 13, 2014 | CAREER, RELATIONSHIP, SPIRIT
Settling is something that doesn’t sit easily with my spirit. My issue with settling is that to me it equates to being satisfied with satisfactory. I’ve been type A since birth so being satisfactory has never appealed. With time and maturity I have learned there are...
by Jattu Senesie | May 29, 2014 | RELATIONSHIP
It seems I am supposed to be learning something about improving my personal interactions this month of May. My pastor is in the middle of a teaching series about practical ways to have better relationships. One of my coaching colleagues has been offering weekly...