I’ve been thinking a lot about faith the past few weeks. Before you agnostics out there tune out I’m not talking about religious faith, although that plays into it for me personally. I’m specifically talking about faith in one’s self. Faith is the foundation of how...
This month marks the anniversary of my retirement from the practice of obstetrics and gynecology. The last baby I delivered is four years old now. When I first left practice I planned to search for a new career, calling, or purpose. The scientist in me wanted to...
There is an unwritten but well-known rule in medicine that we healthcare practictioners suck it up at all costs. No matter how terrible we think we have it, it’s no worse than those who came before us. They got through it so what’s our problem. This way of thinking...
September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month so I thought I’d say a little something on behalf of the kids. I’m going to take a break from my typical focus on adults to sound the trumpet for America's youth. I went to a conference a few years ago which had...
With the start of a new academic year, I have been thinking a lot about school. From pre-school through residency I spent over a quarter of a century being formally educated. Most of that time was spent sitting in classrooms and lecture halls. In residency, it got a...
I am a true believer in spiritual guidance. Even before I totally identified what my spirit was doing I could feel it. To clarify, one doesn’t need to subscribe to any particular religious doctrine to have a spirit. Although my spirit led me to a personal...