Thoughtfulness means showing careful consideration or attention. I am among many people who value this trait. Unfortunately some of us regard thoughtfulness so highly we overthink every decision. This is a less useful characteristic. It keeps us stuck in place under...
The world is full of people seeking balance. I say hooey to balance. A more achievable goal is congruence in one’s life. By definition, congruence means in agreement or harmony. A congruent life consists of having our actions sync up with our beliefs. Two key...
Despite the fact I am a life coach and many folks associate that with being all touchy-feely, I have a confession. I am not really a huge fan of being all up in my feelings. Allowing one’s self to feel one’s feelings inevitably leads to having to deal with those...
As January comes to a close, many of us are assessing our progress on the lofty goals we set for this new year. Whether it was exercising more, eating better, or finally starting that creative hobby there have undoubtedly been varying levels of success. I have a take...
Many people tell me they “hate” some form of exercise that they perform regularly. My confusion is why anyone opts to do something they detest on a regular basis. There are so many things in the world that we are compelled to do, I am not a fan of using my...
This year I am calling for people to make a consistent investment into personal development. In general, it seems we feel comfortable with allowing ourselves intermittent personal rewards but resist making real investments in bettering ourselves. Our choices around...