by Jattu Senesie | Sep 10, 2014 | LIFESTYLE, NUTRITION, RELATIONSHIP
September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month so I thought I’d say a little something on behalf of the kids. I’m going to take a break from my typical focus on adults to sound the trumpet for America’s youth. I went to a conference a few years ago which had...
by Jattu Senesie | Sep 3, 2014 | LIFESTYLE, SPIRIT
With the start of a new academic year, I have been thinking a lot about school. From pre-school through residency I spent over a quarter of a century being formally educated. Most of that time was spent sitting in classrooms and lecture halls. In residency, it got a...
by Jattu Senesie | Aug 28, 2014 | SPIRIT
I am a true believer in spiritual guidance. Even before I totally identified what my spirit was doing I could feel it. To clarify, one doesn’t need to subscribe to any particular religious doctrine to have a spirit. Although my spirit led me to a personal...
by Jattu Senesie | Aug 20, 2014 | SPIRIT
It may seem obvious that it’s important to know what you want in life. However a lot of us get to a place where we don’t. Usually the journey starts with a clear destination. Somewhere along the way we either get sidetracked or we realize we don’t really want to be...
by Jattu Senesie | Aug 13, 2014 | CAREER, RELATIONSHIP, SPIRIT
Settling is something that doesn’t sit easily with my spirit. My issue with settling is that to me it equates to being satisfied with satisfactory. I’ve been type A since birth so being satisfactory has never appealed. With time and maturity I have learned there are...