My motto for 2017 is Audacious Self Care. Honestly, this has been my guiding principle for a while. This year I simply decided to give it a catchy term.
When I tell people I specialize in coaching folks on self care, they often respond with some version of how they agree it is important to go to the spa. That being their frame of reference for basic self care, they tend to look uncomfortable when I mention Audacious Self Care.
I can imagine they are envisioning something akin to the “Treat Yo’ Self” days immortalized on the sitcom Parks and Recreation. In a nutshell, there is lots of spending money and being pampered while blowing off work. For the record, that is NOT what Audacious Self Care means to me.
To me, basic self care involves establishing the habits that allow you to be the best version of yourself. To that end, Audacious Self Care means being uncompromising with those habits.
When you know that you function best when you eat real food for lunch, you don’t settle for a protein bar. When you know that being around people when you are exhausted is a bad time for them and for you, you arrange your schedule to reflect that.
In the minds of many altruistic high achievers, the idea of going to a high end resort every month is more realistic than eating lunch every day or saying no simply because you don’t want to do it. That is why I contend consistent self care requires audacity.
Ostentatious Self Care
This is not to say that spa days, girls’ nights, fabulous vacations and super cute clothes can’t be a part of self care. I’m simply suggesting from personal experience that they may not necessarily comprise the totality of self care needed to improve your quality of life.
When I was practicing medicine, I allocated my disposable income and discretionary time to travel, shoes and clothes. I went all over the world and looked lovely while doing it.
However when I returned from those marvelous international trips, I went back to the grind of a dysfunctional life. My self care strategies were not positively affecting my daily existence.
In contrast, my current manifestations of Audacious Self Care look simple from the outside. They are also much more intentional and effective in supporting my well-being than online shopping and time zone hopping were.
Audacious Self Care
As personal self care, I start my day interacting with God because I know that prepares me to be in the right mind to interact with people. I also set boundaries on who gets my time and when because I recognize time is precious and finite.
As professional self care, I go for a walk every day regardless of weather, because I know that being in nature both calms me and inspires me. I also take spontaneous dance breaks in the middle of the work day because it is an easy way to get an energy burst.
All of these things cost me no money and help me stay happy.
I also have some more traditional self care activities where I do spend money. For instance, I go to Bikram yoga on a regular basis. Even when work is crazy and that entrepreneurial cash flow is not at its peak, I go to yoga.
Carving out that time and setting aside that money every month is worth it to me for the benefits I reap. Being in class allows me to practice mindfulness while challenging my body. Outside of class, I am forced to be better about managing my time to keep my day productive.
As you can see, my version of Audacious Self Care takes numerous forms. It is less about how ostentatious it appears to onlookers than about how peaceful it makes me feel in my spirit.
The consistent theme in my self care habits is they all are aligned with my unique life purpose. When I stay purposeful, I maintain the audacity to care for myself as well as I care for others. For this and every year, I think that is a good goal for all of us.
So, how are you living Audacious Self Care?
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Great article. As I am getting older, I am realizing how important self care is for my peace of mind and health. I am practicing self care and plan to be more purposeful in doing so.
Thank you. I’m glad you like the article. Even more important, I’m glad to hear you are being more intentional about self care as it is the basis for success and well-being.