I’m Dr Jattu Senesie, a board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist and recovering pathological altruist. After experiencing burnout twice in my first six years after residency training, I realized there had to be a different way to approach life that allowed me be of service while being well.

My journey to find sustainable satisfaction in my personal and professional life led me to my work as a success coach and physician satisfaction specialist. My personal experience gave me a special desire to help the disillusioned early career physician find their unique path to enjoy life inside and outside of work sooner than later.




Request a Complimentary Clarity Conversation so we can have a discussion to get clear on your current issues and your future goals.


With my help, you’ll learn how to implement the Five Essential Strengths system to shift your mindset and develop new methods that bring success with satisfaction and well-being in your personal and professional life.


By being intentional about your sense of satisfaction and well-being, you will be able to design a life that lets you thrive as a healer and as a human.

Being happy is not just an active choice but requires active effort to achieve.  Life will continue to have unexpected hurdles but having tools helps me to identify them and get past them.


After the Essence of Strength coaching program, I was able to ask myself the right questions and develop a framework to start making new moves that would create a more fulfilling life in and out of work.

Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon

Through our work, I identified valuable tenets that I use to guide me day to day. Using these guidelines, I have been more effective and productive at work.


Jattu Senesie

Dr Jattu Senesie is a board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist, certified success coach, physician satisfaction specialist and speaker. She blogs about issues of self care and well-being in an effort to help her fellow altruistic high achievers find satisfaction in their success as early in their careers as possible.